Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Statistics

Severe motor vehicle collisions occur regularly on Fort Lauderdale, FL, roads like State Route 1 and East Sunrise Boulevard. This fact could lead you to wonder, “Do Fort Lauderdale car accident statistics show the city to be dangerous for drivers?” Driving in the city is risky, and victims of vehicle accidents can end up with expensive medical bills and property damage. 

The state’s no-fault car insurance statutes can limit your ability to recover full damages in minor car accidents. When you sustain serious injuries, you can pursue an at-fault claim against the other driver. In both situations, trust your Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer from Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (954) 361-3997 for a free consultation.

How Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After An Accident In Fort Lauderdale, FL

How Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After An Accident In Fort Lauderdale, FL

Florida’s no-fault car wreck insurance laws can make receiving the full compensation you need to recover your losses challenging. At Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers, we have extensive experience assisting people in your situation with understanding their legal rights and taking action. 

When you hire us to help you in your Fort Lauderdale, Florida, accident case, we can:

  • Gather evidence to determine and prove the severity of your injuries
  • File a claim with your personal injury protection (PIP) policy and contest any denial of coverage
  • Initiate a lawsuit against the at-fault driver if you sustain a substantial injury in your accident
  • Speak with adjusters and others on your behalf and attempt to reach a swift and fair resolution to your claim
  • Assert your legal rights in court, if necessary

We have represented thousands of injury victims and recovered millions of dollars for them in compensation. Experience the difference having a knowledgeable and dedicated Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney on your side can make. Contact Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers after your collision.

Key Facts To Know About Fort Lauderdale Crashes

In 2022, 397,620 motor vehicle accidents occurred across the state of Florida. Approximately 3,500 individuals lost their lives in these crashes, more than in any other state except California and Texas. Broward County accounted for about 10% of all motor vehicle crashes in the state in 2022.

Broward County Car Crash Numbers

Broward County data shows that 40,837 crashes occurred across the county in 2022, resulting in 288 fatalities and 23,717 injuries. Both figures have increased: in 2020, there were 268 fatalities and 18,984 people injured in crashes. In 2021, those numbers increased to 280 fatalities and 23,071 injured.

Wrecks involving commercial motor vehicles (CMV) accounted for approximately 10% of the county’s total motor vehicle accidents. Twenty-two people were killed, and 1,037 were injured in these crashes. There were 12 people killed and 820 injured in CMV crashes the previous year. The year before that, seven people died, and 705 suffered injuries.

Other notable 2022 Broward County crash statistics include:

  • 768 bicycle wrecks
  • 746 motorcycle crashes
  • 1,064 pedestrian collisions
  • 16 bicyclists died, and 720 were injured
  • 44 motorcyclists died, and 598 sustained some injury
  • 83 pedestrians were killed, and 828 were hurt

Finally, 193 traffic crashes involved a driver who had consumed alcohol, and an additional 14 involved one who had one or more drugs in their systems. Combined, nine people died in wrecks involving an alcohol- or drug-impaired driver.

Common Causes Of Fort Lauderdale Wrecks

Despite the large number of motor vehicle crashes in Fort Lauderdale and Broward County, many of these accidents are the result of negligent or reckless behaviors. Some of the most common examples of these types of behaviors include:

  • Speeding or traveling too fast for road conditions
  • Inattentiveness or distracted driving
  • Impaired driving
  • Failure to obey traffic signs and signals
  • Ignoring or forgetting right-of-way laws

Road conditions can play a significant role in determining whether a crash will result and, if so, how severe it will be. While inattentiveness on a wide-open road might not lead to a crash, there is a much greater chance of an injury or fatal wreck if you do this on a busy highway like State Route 1.

Because of Florida’s no-fault insurance laws, you are eligible to receive compensation through your PIP policy regardless of who caused the accident. It is only when you suffer severe injuries in a wreck that fault becomes relevant to your recovery. In that case, you can recover compensation from the other driver if their actions were the primary cause of the crash.

Contact Our Fort Lauderdale, FL, Accident Lawyers For A Free Consultation

You deserve compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses after a Fort Lauderdale wreck, especially if someone else is to blame. Trust your recovery and future to Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers. Just because accidents in Fort Lauderdale happen frequently does not mean your accident does not deserve individualized attention.

Call Workman Car Accident & Personal Injury Lawyers today and ask for a free case review.